People with Intellectual Disabilities (PwID) across Europe encounter significant obstacles in accessing the labour market, including limited career guidance and inadequate support services tailored to their unique needs. Recent data highlights that PwID experience higher unemployment rates and fewer opportunities for professional growth compared to the general population. The "My Career Matters!" project aims to address these challenges by enhancing career management skills and improving the quality of career guidance services for PwID.

Our project seeks to introduce a comprehensive career support model across multiple European countries, focusing on the development and dissemination of accessible Labour Market Information (LMI) and career management tools specifically designed for PwID. This initiative will be implemented in collaboration with partners from Spain, the United Kingdom, Lithuania, Romania, and Portugal, leveraging their expertise and successful methodologies in vocational training and supported employment. By transferring knowledge and best practices among the partner countries, we aim to establish a more inclusive and supportive labour market pathway for PwID across Europe.



Pupils from families at high risk of social exclusion face significant challenges in accessing education, including poor language skills and a lack of understanding of basic legal and civic principles. Unlike their peers, these students often do not reach educational stages where the advantages of fundamental preparation are evident. Consequently, they are deprived of vital language awareness and an essential understanding of their societal context.
To address these challenges, the EULawTalks project aims to enhance the educational experience of at-risk students by providing tailored training content that combines English language instruction with basic legal and EU institutional knowledge. This approach seeks to empower students with the skills and understanding necessary to thrive both academically and as informed citizens.



Considering the ongoing and emerging threats and impact of intellectual property crime in the EU and the findings of the study European Citizens and Intellectual Property: Perception, Awareness and Behaviour (EUIPO, 2017), which indicate that Intellectual Property (IP) remains a confusing and ambiguous topic for many Europeans, it is crucial to influence consumers and users of IP-protected goods to foster proper use and respect for these products. IPR2YOUTH project aims to stimulate respect for the IP rights of inventors, creators, and artists among young EU citizens and their adult relatives as consumers.

Our project seeks to raise awareness among the target audience about the benefits of protecting IP and the damages caused by IP rights infringements, using appropriate key influencers and leveraging partner organizations. By increasing knowledge and engaging the audience in Bulgaria and Portugal, we aim to change current behaviours, reducing the purchase of counterfeit goods and access to digital content from illegal sources. Simultaneously, the project will highlight the importance of IP in fostering creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship among young citizens. This approach aims to build a culture of respect for intellectual property, ultimately contributing to a more robust and innovative economy.